From Soil to Soul: How We Embed Colombian Spirit inOur Precious Bars

Extract and transform. This has been the mining industry mantra since ancestral
times. And this transformation has served all kinds of purposes, but most of all to store
wealth and exert economic power. This is why, since it started being used as money,
kings and emperors felt pushed to print their faces on coins. To signal their reign and
even market those coins as legal tender.

But times have changed. Power and wealth have been democratized, and along with
them, the symbolism imbued in precious metals has evolved. Other solutions have
emerged to signal legal tender of currency – which is now mostly digital.
At Colombian Mint, we are in the mining industry. Meaning we are extracting precious
minerals from Colombian soil and transforming them into final products, for the good
of the many. Instead of serving any king or emperor’s wealth and power, we are

committed to making fair and responsible use of the resources that are trusted in us.
And this also means honoring its origins.
This is why we thought of marking our gold and silver bars with motifs eliciting
Colombia. Chris Costello was a logical choice, with his broad experience in
illustrations for commemorative coins, in particular on the celebrations of Native
The result is an astonishing illustration of a serene, but mighty jaguar, laying in the
Colombian jungle, by the charming cattleia orchids, but observing everything in its
whereabouts, resting before the next conquest.

In a world where most of the value is transitory, at Colombian Mint we aim to transmit
a representation of the spirit of Colombia into the fruits of its soil. A lasting
remembrance of our values, in our most valuable products. Extracting from the soil,
honoring its soul for the lasting future.

The Colombian Mint is an internationally renowned refinery and assayer of gold and silver.
Based in Colombia, we are trusted by miners across Latin America and by dore and bullion
bar buyers around the world. Established in 1997, but gold experts since the XIX century.

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